Each year, EACA membership must vote for its five elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Director. Voting will take place electronically.
All members will receive an email notification when the balloting opens. Included with the ballot will be a short bio for each of the candidates. Voting will take place from December 1 – 6. On December 6, voting will close at 10:00 PM.

In addition to the officers, the ballot will include a proposed amendment to the EACA By-Laws. The question seeks to better define the area in which artists must live to qualify for participating in the Studio Tour and other EACA art shows. Currently, the By-Laws describe eligibility for participation as follows: “Members in good standing who live in the geographical area accessed by the three major entrances (Avenidas Amistad, Vista Grande, and Eldorado) will be eligible to participate” (Article 8.3). The residential development that has continued south of Avenida Eldorado, and the connection of Avenida de Compadres all the way to Spur Ranch Road, have led the Board to propose the following map with specific territory, intended to define clearly where artists must live in order to be eligibile for the Studio Tour. The proposal represents no significant change in the area of eligibility.